Warehouse & Logistics Manager with SAP MM

Location: Delhi     City: Delhi


Your Roles and Responsibilities:
Manage inventory levels across a network of external suppliers and/or warehouse locations
Engage in deployment plan analysis and execution of established workflows Involved in project tracking 
Responsible for auditing per location inventory and identifying excess inventory Determine inventory repurposing and removal path & schedule decommissioning
Manage discrepancies in supplier deliveries for quality, quantity, documentation, and damage 
Manage reduction and cancellation of supply orders in response to changes in demand
Coordinate with internal teams to schedule removal of TCO negative inventory and delivery of replacement capacity
Route and respond to tickets
Manage product lifecycle as models enter and exit the client environment
Monitor transient supply deficits
Create and assist in managing deployment plans
Perform cluster health audits and remediations
Monitor customer order delivery performance
Mitigate fulfillment interrupts / failures
Other duties as required. 


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